Depression and Other Things

... *stares at blank page*... Well, it's wintertime again and I finally feel "normal." Which isn't usually the case when wintertime rolls around. But with fun snow days like these it's hard to feel sad sometimes. Usually, by now I'm feeling the beginnings of SAD creeping in. However, this year I went a little intoContinue reading "Depression and Other Things"

Flashback Friday: Blue Spring

~Day Hikes and Baby Wipes~ I’m sorry for the hiatus but the new baby distracted me from a lot of things *cough— writing—cough* over the last two months. Now that I’m recovered from the c-section, lack of sleep, and visiting family I’m starting to get my writing bug back. I’ve been posting to my poetryContinue reading "Flashback Friday: Blue Spring"

Day Hikes & Baby Wipes: Fort Niobrara NWR

I really enjoy hiking at the refuge in my back yard! He had a bug on his hat… Now that I’m feeling more like myself I took myself on a self prescribed hike with my 2 year old and 3 week old. It was wonderful! Little video and TikTok plug…

Wannabe Asleep

Is it still 2023? I have no recollection of being this tired with my first child but our newest little adventurer is taking it out of me. Also say hello to my new hiking buddy! Newest hiking buddy! It also doesn’t help that the oldest slightly bigger adventurer is 2 and doesn’t have an offContinue reading "Wannabe Asleep"

Return to Baby Wipes and Day Hikes

I got some news... **This post originally appeared on my PRW Newsletter on Jan. 27, 2023. There are few edits.** It’s a new year, a new day, and I have a new baby on the way!

Flashback Friday: Glacier National Park August 2022

Flashback Friday! I'm getting my groove back and writing again. All the projects I've procrastinated on I'm finally getting done! Here is my overview of hiking in Glacier NP.

Current River Mood

Well, we just survived a four…five… almost a whole week blizzard and now another week of horrible wind chills… thank you winter storms Diaz and Elliot. Followed by another round of snow. We needed the moisture but I'm so over four-foot drifts and slick roads. So. Much. Snow. I was teleworking from home for someContinue reading "Current River Mood"

Havasupai Gardens

Hi all! I'm still taking my time writing my posts from this summer, float trip on the Current River in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways and day hikes in Glacier National Park. However, this announcement from Grand Canyon National Park caught my interest and I wanted to post an update about my first overnight backpackingContinue reading "Havasupai Gardens"

Time Flies When You’re (not) Having Fun

Open's an eye and looks around-- is summer over yet? Almost. Time officially got away from me. Most of that is due to taking on a temporary promotion at work and having more duties as assigned. It's starting to slow done but the ride isn't over yet. Vacation in the Ozarks— Current River style. OtherContinue reading "Time Flies When You’re (not) Having Fun"

Wintertime Blues

Hi all, I’m finally over the cough from hell— just took antibiotics. Well, I did slip into a SAD episode. My mental health is jumping up and down—before screaming and faceplanting on the floor, mimicking my toddler. I know the steps to take but it's hard to pull yourself out of the slump. I tryContinue reading "Wintertime Blues"

Wannabe on the Trail: Germ Theory…

It’s not what you think. Well, it kind of is… To begin, germ theory according to is, “germ theory, in medicine, the theory that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms, organisms too small to be seen except through a microscope.” It’s pretty spot on if you ask me.Continue reading "Wannabe on the Trail: Germ Theory…"

Wannabe on the Trail: Wannabes and Posers

Mom I wannabe watching cartoons… on your new phone! Hi all-- I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. But I'm still wheezing a little and it's cold outside--I'm so weak. However, I watched the new Netflix special Inventing Anna. I really don't understand my fasciation with millennial fraudsters but I'm goingContinue reading "Wannabe on the Trail: Wannabes and Posers"

Wannabe on the Trail: SAD, Sick, and on the Mend

I don't really have a lot to say but I figured I better do an update! Coivd sucked-- I'm glad I had the vaccine. I did better than my husband (unvaxxed) but it still sucked. I still feel exhausted from it. However, I'm doing better and starting to get active again. It's slow going though--Continue reading "Wannabe on the Trail: SAD, Sick, and on the Mend"

Whelp… it’s Covid

Even the dogs are in quarantine… joking. No adventurous moments for me for 10 days… not that I was feeling adventurous in the slightest the last few days. Although, this time I feel worse— I had just brought a small human into the world when I was diagnosed the first time. Looks like flashback postsContinue reading "Whelp… it’s Covid"

Wannabe on the Trail: Home Sick

I’m not homesick, I’m literally home sick. I’m getting a Covid test tomorrow but the last couple of days have been rough. Being home sick, normally means I’m comatose on the couch. Not this time! Now that I’m a mother— I don’t get that option. He’s also running a fever so he’s home with me.Continue reading "Wannabe on the Trail: Home Sick"